Establishing an Order: Establishing Custody and Visitation Schedules

samedi 30 août 2014

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: New York

I would first like to thank anyone who takes time to answer this post, your advice is greatly appreciated. I would like to begin by stating that I love my child and want whats best for her regarding both her mother and my self. We had our child and broke up shortly after, an acknowledgement of paternity was signed by both parents at the time of birth. When we broke up we agreed that we would handle visitation as close to 50/50 as possible. It began well with mom agreeing to pick ups/drop offs while she was at work as we worked opposite shifts. We also tried to split the week as evenly as possible with mid week pick ups and mid weekend drop off. Soon after mom became uncooperative and began limiting my visits to only on my days off from work. Being limited in the amount of time that I could parent our daughter stung at first but was manageable since i would still be seeing my daughter weekly and able to spend my entire days off with her. I resisted the change at first and shortly after found myself in court for a child support hearing. For the record I have always supported my daughter and money was never an issue when it came to raising our child. After our support hearing mom, mom dismissed the custody and visitation hearings stating that we would be able to handle visitation and custody between us. I agreed to disagree on the issue with the hope that in time mom would see my negotiating in good faith and consider that in future discussions pertaining to visitation. I also asked mom to allow me to at least facetime/speak to our daughter between visits being that my time with her was being limited. At first it was no problem, eventually it became a hassle. This arrangement, to my disappointment, had become the new norm up until recently when mom stated she would no longer allow me weekly overnights because our child is beginning pre k. The only reasons mom gave was that she wants to ensure our daughter is on time to school and on a consistent routine. I expressed my willingness to accept the responsibility to ensure that our daughter would always be on time. I also expressed that as always I am transparent in my parenting and would try my best to stick to the routine so long as she would help me do so. Mom has recently been being uncooperative regarding many issues. She had expressed a willingness to relocate out of state to pursue a new career path and stated that her decision to do so had little to do with what I thought was best for our child and would not consult me until necessary if she decided to take such action. I fully support her and any decisions she makes to better herself but naturally was concerned about the relationship between my daughter and I. A week later she sent our daughter out of state for a few days and laughed at the notion that I would be upset that I felt I should have been advised, especially seeing as she was not with either parent. It would usually not be as big an issue but her recent pattern of behavior has me worried that one day I'll be completely cast aside. After the latest issue and her demand that I not take our daughter for weekly overnights I went to family court and scheduled a custody and visitation hearing requesting joint custody. I hope that at the very least that I can maintain the routine that I have had with my daughter and would love an even more equal visitation schedule if its feasible. My question is am I being realistic in what I hope to accomplish at these hearings?

Establishing an Order: Establishing Custody and Visitation Schedules

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