Careless Driving: Careless Driving in a Parking Lot

vendredi 27 février 2015

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Colorado

I pulled into a parking lot of a local grocery store. When pulling into a parking spot I Pulled through this open spot to the adjacent open spot so I could drive out vs back out. There was 5-6 inches of snow on the ground and my truck in 4x4 with large tires is hard to make tight turns so pulling forwad is easier. The person inside there car parked assumed I was stopping the spot next to them, and opened there car door into my tire. He bent back his door into my moving truck tire. I was going so slow pulling into a snowed lot my sped doesn't even register on my speedometer. He called the police and insisted on a police report. I gave my insurance info to the state trooper that came. After taking both our statements the officer gave me a ticket for careless driving. How can I be careless driving going 1 mile per hour in a private parking lot? There were no inguries and only minor damage to his car door. The officer said I would be the only one ticketed since the other car was parked. This is a 4 point drivers license ding that can seriously effect my rates. Should I go to court. I'm 34 and have never had a ticket or accident since being licensed at 16. Should I pay the fine? Go to court?

Careless Driving: Careless Driving in a Parking Lot

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