Termination of Support: Tennessee - Income Share Model - Order Does Not Specify "End Date"

samedi 28 février 2015

My question involves child support in the State of: TN

I am the RPR (custodial) parent -- the APR (father) -- was ordered to pay $900 per month based on the Income Share Model. The order states WHEN the payments start - but there is no "end date" -- no termination date.

Doing research --- and for comparison --- the state of AZ uses the Income Share Model --- an AZ website shows that there is such thing as a "Presumptuous Termination Date" -- which says that the awarded dollar amount is until the YOUNGEST child noted on the Court Orders turns 18.

No where in the State of TN - website or court order - is it spelled out when the $900 terminates. My first daughter turns 18 next month - then will graduate in May. My second daughter will not turn 18 until late 2016.

Isn't the $900 averaged out over the "duration" -- and includes through the youngest ???? Otherwise, wouldn't the TN parenting plan worksheet (that shows the BCSO and FCSO, etc) reflect for the father to pay a higher amount for both children (now) until the first child is 18 -- then continue to pay another (lower) amount until the 2nd child is 18 ????

Is the $900 through the 2nd child's 18th birthday ??? Does TN use a Presumptive Termination Date ?

If anyone can point me to a Statute that spells this out -- and how TN determines termination date would be great !


Termination of Support: Tennessee - Income Share Model - Order Does Not Specify "End Date"

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