Presumption of Paternity: My Children Call Me Dad but I Am Not Their Legal Father

mercredi 24 septembre 2014

My question involves paternity law for the State of: California.

Hello all. Thanks for your help in advance.

A little back story... I was in a relationship with with a woman 5 years ago. We moved in together. A year later we broke up. She left and called me 9 months later to tell me that I am the father of her newborn twin boys. I brought the twins into my life and cared for them ever since. They are 4 years old now and obviously call me daddy. But they don't have my last name nor am I listed on their birth certificate as the father. They spend weekends with me at my home and with their mother during the week. She is in a new relationship and wants to move 300 miles away with my boys. I have begged her to amend their birth certificates but she refuses. What rights do I have and can I deny her taking my biological yet not legal children from me.

Thanks again.


Presumption of Paternity: My Children Call Me Dad but I Am Not Their Legal Father

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