Hearings and Trials: Overdue Registration

lundi 29 décembre 2014

My question involves traffic court in the State of: nj

My wife was ticketed last week. Her car was impounded. Her registration was expired. Seven months overdue. License, inspection, insurance was fine. An oversight on her part. As a matter of fact we have three other verhicles that the cop checked and all were up to date.

The citation was NJSA 39:3-40, meaning license or reg. is suspended or revoked. Her reg. is neither, just overdue. We were never notified it was either revoked or suspended.

I think the summons should have been 39:3-4, an overdue registration. The way I understand is the actual offense could be paid by mail. My wife was told she must appear in court Jan. 8

What will happen in court. Will the judge throw out the summons saying it is a mistake? Will we have to pay court costs? Will she get locked up (lol)

Please advise us on this, never experienced court before.

Hearings and Trials: Overdue Registration

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