My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: CA. I received a traffic ticket from California highway patrol (chp) for failing to yield to emergency vehicle. I was driving north bound on 405 freeway in the carpool lane. A CHP car in front of me turned on his emergency lights and began to weave across all lanes to slow all traffic on the freeway for at least 5 minutes. I remained in the carpool lane (I didn't want to cross double lines to exit carpool lane) and followed behind the officer at a safe distance, along with all other vehicles on the freeway. After the officer stopped weaving and turned off his lights I waited at least 30 seconds before passing the officer, along with the rest of traffic. Only once I passed the officer, the officer pulled behind me, turned on his lights back on to pull me over, which I did safely pull over to the right. He stated that I needed to remain at least 300 yards behind him while continuing to drive behind him. I was likely not 300 yards behind him but simply driving with the rest of traffic at a safe distance from him. I was unaware that I needed to be 300 yards behind the officer. Many other cars were also likely not 300 yards behind him. Do I have any realistic chance to have this case dismissed or should I simply pay the whopping $490 fine and take traffic school to avoid the point on my record being shared with my insurance provider?
Failure to Yield: Cited for VC 21806 (A) - Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle
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