Towing: Car Towed Because of "Expired Plates" but My Plates Are Actually Up to Date

lundi 9 février 2015

My question involves a traffic citation from the state of: Florida.

My vehicle has been parked at my mothers apartment complex for months because its been having some mechanical issues

(its an older vehicle)

The insurance and tag information for this vehicle is and always has been correct and up to date.

I recently found out my vehicle has been towed (It was towed 3 weeks prior)

When I called the towing company, I was told my vehicle was towed due to my plates being expired (They said my tag sticker showed 2012 !)

I explained to them all of my information is up to date & my vehicle should have never been towed. I even told them I can provide proof of this.

The towing company employee told me I would have to pay almost $800 to get my vehicle back.

I have spoken with a rep at the sheriffs office who told me to file a police report for the missing sticker on the plate (according to her it was probably stolen)

She also told me to take the police report to the towing company to show them I was not at fault and the sticker has been reported stolen.

BUT she also said it is completely up to the towing company to decide if they will release the vehicle to me. She said if they don't, I have the option to sue.

I plan on filing a police report first thing in the morning & going to the towing company to show them the information.

IF this company decides not to release the vehicle to me, should I take this issue to court?

I don't want to put in time, effort & money if I don't have a strong case.


If anyone could help me out with this, I would be forever grateful.

Thank you!

Thank you to anyone who took the time out to read this.

Towing: Car Towed Because of "Expired Plates" but My Plates Are Actually Up to Date

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