Traffic Lights, Signs and Controls: How Do I See the Cop Cars Video Recording in Relation to a Failure to Stop Ticket

lundi 2 février 2015

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Georgia

So I am leaving work tonight at 10 pm and I stop at the stop sign. I am certain that I stopped because I had time to look left, then right and decide whether or not I wanted to pull out ahead of this car that was just coming over a hill about .25 of a mile away. So I pull out and am driving along and I see the blue lights come on. So I pull off the road and the cop comes to my window and tells me that I did not stop at the stop sign. He wrote a ticket for a failure to stop at a stop sing. I maintain that I did stop but I really want to see the video that he claims shows that I did not stop before I proceed. So what should be my course of action in obtaining the cop car recording? Thank you in advance for anytime spent reading my story and answering my question.

Traffic Lights, Signs and Controls: How Do I See the Cop Cars Video Recording in Relation to a Failure to Stop Ticket

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