Unemployment Benefits: Work Refusal/Benefits Stopped

lundi 9 février 2015

My question involves unemployment benefits for the state of: Indiana

I was honest in answering my work search question. On page 9 of the handbook, it states

I can refuse an offer of employment within the first 8 weeks of claiming if it is less than

90% of the pay I was receiving from my former employer. Once I did that (ANSWERED

HONESTLY) all benefits stopped. I called my local Work One Center and was informed

a 6 week investigation would take place to determine if my benefits would continue.

She asked what the minimum was I told the Employer I would take, and I told her

it was $1.20 more than what they offered. She said then I complied with their guidelines

and that after 6 weeks, I could get my benefits back.

I now am so stressed about paying bills and trying to find a job.

She said there was no re-course. Do I have any legal re-course?

Unemployment Benefits: Work Refusal/Benefits Stopped

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