Drug Possession: Caught with Mdma Pills at Music Festival

lundi 22 septembre 2014

So, two weeks ago, I was at a Rave (Music Festival) with two of my buddies. At one point during the night, two securities who work for the event, witnessed me giving an MDMA pill to my buddy. NOT SELL, give to him. He afterwards grabbed me from my arm and my buddy as well and handed us over to the cops of the event. This is taking place in California by the way. Next, the cop proceeded to search my pockets and after finding a few pills, she decided to go through my backpack. She then found a total of 25 pills on me. Some in a ziploc bag and others in which weren't. I told her that I had bought them at the event from somebody and I had no clue what they contained. After questioning my friend, the proceed to let him go. Over 100 people were arrested over the weekend as well with worse charges such as possession and sales. They kept me handcuffed and asked a few other questions. I cooperated with the cops very well. The cop then charged me with 11350 HS that include possession of a control substance. This is my first offense felony and I have no criminal records what so ever besides a few traffic violations. My court date is a month and a half from now. What are my options and what should I do to prepare myself. I am definitely going to get a lawyer. Should I get an attorney that was recommended from the letters sent to my house or should I get one from the city? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Drug Possession: Caught with Mdma Pills at Music Festival

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