Collection and Enforcement: Md - Child Support

lundi 27 octobre 2014

My question involves child support in the State of: Maryland.

The situation is this. I recently became aware that a woman I used to date about in 2001 when I was living out of town has a child that is just about the right age that there is a possibility that I could be the biological father. At the time that we were dating she was separated from her then boyfriend. Our relationship ended abruptly, she reconciled with her boyfriend and I never heard from her again. I returned to my home town. I discovered this information on Facebook and it would appear from the name, that her then boyfriend and now husband signed off on the birth certificate.

My question is this. I am contemplating addressing the possibility with the mother but I do have some concerns. What is the possibility of the mother suing me for child support after 13 years. Especially considering that there was a conscious decision on her part to withhold his existence from me and raise him with a different father. I would like to know; however, I am not the least bit interested in getting taken to the bank for past support that his legal father has been paying for 13 years, nor could I afford to do so at this point anyway. I have my own family to take care of.

Collection and Enforcement: Md - Child Support

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