Collection Lawsuits: Do I Really Owe This Time Barred Debt if No Judgement Was Made

jeudi 18 décembre 2014

My question involves collection proceedings in the State of: New York

I reside in California

I was sued for a debt that was months away from being time barred. I never went to court rather we settled on a payment arrangement through a lawyer who I now know works with the debt collecting LLP (while living in NY at the time). I now live in California and the debt was opened and lawsuit filed in NY. Do I really have to keep paying now that its off of my credit? This happened around 06/12

Forester and Garbus was the debt collector LLP

and Graham and Borgese was the lawyer I hired and paid.

When I'm on payments they send me a letter saying that they plan on suing me for the full amount since I broke the contract. However, they never do and I always end up paying them.

$7000 was the original amount owed, plus interest over 6+ years it became around $11000 and we settled on $125 a month payments and the amount was reduced to $8k or $7K I don't remember. But its a significant amount of money so I really am confused and feel like I was hustled.

Thanks for any advice

Collection Lawsuits: Do I Really Owe This Time Barred Debt if No Judgement Was Made

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