Drug Possession: Caught and Charged a Year and a Half Later

jeudi 18 décembre 2014

My question involves criminal law for the state of: arizona

I got caught with my husbands narcotic pills mixed in with my medicine in my bottle back in April of 2013. I was stopped for shoplifting and searched. The cop took the pills, wrote me a ticket for shoplifting and let me go home. I went to court and took care of my shoplifting ticket last year. I just found out that I have a warrant for failure to appear on possession charges from this incident. The summons was mailed to my old address, and returned to the court, but because I didn't show up(even though I knew nothing about it) I have a warrant. I reset a court date, but I don't get how they can bring up charges they never originally charged me with. Since this happened I went to a 30day rehab voluntarily and graduated from outpatient drug classes as well. This is my first possession offense and I'm being charged with a class 4 felony. What should I expect from court and can they legally bring up these charges when they didn't do anything about it originally?

Drug Possession: Caught and Charged a Year and a Half Later

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