Establishing an Order: Do I Have to Pay My Ex's Attorney Fee's

samedi 13 décembre 2014

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Massachusetts

The Father of my son (we were never married) and I are in the middle of Visitation dispute. He filed against me and hired an Attorney. We have gone to court on a Temp Order and have our Pre Trial Conference next week. He would not agree on a Visitation schedule at the Temp Order so the Judge gave us a mid-week and every other weekend split, which is working out terrible for our son who is 5 and in Kindergarten.

I went to the 4 way conference yesterday (without an Attorney) and basically his Lawyer told me, if I dont agree at the Pre Trial Confernce and sign the order that day, if we have to go to Trial she will do the following:

1. Make me pay all his Attorney Fee's

2. Go after me for child support because I make about 15k more than him (again, we have 50/50 visitation basically down to the day)

This is a NEW order, we have never had a Custody Order in the past

We were never married

He filed

Establishing an Order: Do I Have to Pay My Ex's Attorney Fee's

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