Mortgages: Requalify After a House Fire

mardi 16 décembre 2014

My question involves a mortgage in the state of: Wisconsin. We had a house fire about two months ago. The house and contents were a total loss. We have had no issues with the insurance company but we have had several issues with our mortgage lender. They are having us requalify for a new loan before we move forward with construction of the new home which is being funded by the insurance company. I was also laid off earlier this year, so that along with some debt in student and car loans is throwing up hurdles. We will have all of our debt cleared by the time we finalize the loan and we have money, about 2/3rds the build amount, above and beyond the loan amount sitting in our account. We have been working with the lender for 6 weeks now and each week they push us off with some other requirement they come up with. We have had a mortgage with this lender for 8 years and have never had any delinquent payments during that time. Our credit is in Good standing as well. Can they make us requalify for a new loan, that will be the same amount as the current mortgage, just because we lost everything in a house fire?

Mortgages: Requalify After a House Fire

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