Slander: The Doctors Said I Slandered Their Name on Facebook

mardi 16 décembre 2014

My question involves defamation in the state of: Illinois. I have two boys who are autistic. They have many issues and we have had to change doctors and medications several times. Each time this was done, there was a triggering event. The doctors treat children with special needs differently from other children especially those single moms who are poor and are not as educated as the doctors themselves.

After being treated in this manner, I posted on Facebook my anger and distrust of the doctors and I posted all the correspondance they sent me including their personal opinions of me and my twin boys and the fact that we were poor. Well as things go, the doctors started getting hate mail from parents of autistic children about their treatment of my family. The hospital then called and said they would no longer take care of my twin boys, they would not provide them with rispidedone for the autism issues and that a group of them made a decision to drop the twins and we would have to look elsewhere for a doctor. The funny thing is I don.t think they realize that I might be able to sue them even though they felt my strong opinion of them all on Facebook was slander and said as much. Since when did Facebook care if parents like a doctor or not and decide to say so?

Somebody dropped the ball here. Is it me and my family or is it the doctors by dropping us during a critical time. Let me know.:grumpy::distress:

Slander: The Doctors Said I Slandered Their Name on Facebook

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