Collection and Enforcement: Can the Daycare Portion of Cs Be Deducted from Check

vendredi 20 février 2015

My question involves child support in the State of: Ohio.

Our divorce has been final for a couple of months, and child support started accruing in January. He is up to date on the child support part of it, since it is being deducted from his check. And I am thankful for that. My question is regarding the daycare expenses that he has been ordered to pay. He has not made a payment to daycare since the day child support started, and our account is past due even though I make my portion of the payments on time. I plan on paying up his portion today, because we are closing in on a point where they are not going to continue to allow my daughter to go there if the account remains past due. Since he is not paying his portion, am I able to request that the daycare portion of his child support be deducted from his check too, or does it have to be considered seperate and ordered to be paid directly to the facility?

Collection and Enforcement: Can the Daycare Portion of Cs Be Deducted from Check

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