Creation: Easements Filed After Property Was Purchase, is It Valid

lundi 2 février 2015

Notable facts:

1. I purchased a new house from a real estate developer on July 21, 2014.

2. The property was conveyed to me via a warranty deed.

3. On August, 1, 2014, a surveyor filed an easement on my property. The surveyor conducted the survey on the request of the real estate developer.

4. The survey was conducted on July 10, 2014.

5. The easement is for a parking pad for the unsold house next to mine.

Since the easement was filed after I purchased the property, does the real estate developer have a right to install a parking pad and sell this with the house next to time?

Much thanks for any responses.

Creation: Easements Filed After Property Was Purchase, is It Valid

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