Guardianship: Can a Minor Request Change of Guardianship

dimanche 8 février 2015

My question involves guardianship in the State of:Ohio

I need real answers, not opinions, yes i have my side and feelings, i don't care what you think of what i say, i only ask you give me proper legal advice or any appropriate advice to stay safe. My problem is with my mother. This living environment is unacceptable and nothing less of chaos. I have no intentions of 'getting back at her' or leaving because 'i'm tired of chores and rules and responsibilities' or even the popular 'i hate her she's mean and won't let me see a guy'. No, i want to get away for both of our needs to be met. My mother is sick in the head, is in an abusive relationship and doesn't view it as such, and can't handle day to day life. I can't blame her, being a single mom on disability, surviving of ssi month to month with 5 animals and 4 other people in the house. But all that aside, legally she is not taking care of me. My problem with being here is the following:

-Being attacked verbally and often physically over simple problems such as; the wifi not working properly, weather, her own pet peeves, no coffee when she decides to wake up, etc.

-waking up to find half the dishes broken inside/outside

-actually seeing my mom take bottles of pills and cut her self and then breaking the phone and swearing she'd kill her self if i told anyone.(this has happened way more than just once, actually she downs pills every other week.)

-missing needed medical appointments because she refuses to get out of bed.

-her boyfriend screaming and pushing me.

-my stuff being stolen all the time.

-my stuff being broken

-hearing in detail about their fights, sex life, etc.

-threatening to put me in an asylum if i cry (even from physical pain and no i'm not joking or exaggeration in the least of bits)

I could go on but who cares. I view the situation as she isn't fit to take care of a child for another year and a half, it's not helping me out either. So, do i have any choices here?

Guardianship: Can a Minor Request Change of Guardianship

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