Hearings and Trials: Can't Get Trial Without Posting Bail, but Bail Amount is Way Beyond What I Can Pay

vendredi 13 février 2015

My question involves traffic court in the State of: California

I received a ticket for being in the carpool lane at a time of day when it is not allowed, and I was hoping to go to court and plead guilty with an explanation. I was hoping that even if the judge did not accept my extenuating circumstances I could at least get more time to pay what I expected would be a $341 fine, which is what is posted on the highway signs. Instead, I got a letter saying my bail was $1389! It also said that I could not get a trial without posting the bail. There is no way I can come up with that kind of money. I just finally got a job after a year of being unemployed, had run out of unemployment insurance three months prior and am now working seven days a week to pay off three months of back rent or be evicted. Even without that, I still have no idea how I could come up with that kind of money before the April 22 deadline.

The letter said I was to simply send the check with no correspondence included, and it offered no other recourse.

My two questions are: Why is the amount so huge? And what can I do?

Thanks so much in advance!



Hearings and Trials: Can't Get Trial Without Posting Bail, but Bail Amount is Way Beyond What I Can Pay

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