Other Violations: Excessive Acceleration in Maine

jeudi 12 février 2015

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Maine

I recently got a ticket for excessive acceleration in my 2wd pickup truck with a loud -but legal- exhaust. I was going up a hill to my school and im on mud tires which give little traction in snow/ice. Being on a budget i can not afford winter tires and this is the only set that i have. The tires are Super Swamper Irok ND. To get up the hill i had to slide into it a little bit and than gas the way up to keep them clean "from the snow building up between tread rendering them completely useless" Next thing i know i see blue lights and im ticketed for it. I have pictures of the hill and also picture from me trying to get up my driveway when it was same conditions showing the tire tracks down to the straight ice. Im at the point where this ticket will make me lose my license for 90 days. I feel as the ticket was unneeded and im wondering what else i can do to make this hold up in court.

Other Violations: Excessive Acceleration in Maine

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