Reinstatement: Wrongful Repo: Do I Have Legit Case

samedi 14 février 2015

My question involves an auto loan or repossession in the State of: Illinois

As Of January 2015, I was 3 months late on payments. Rough last few months of the year plus cost of keeping up a used vehicle in the winter.

Operation "GAB" :So January 22, I called my finance company. Spoke with lady in charge of payment processing and we made an oral agreement that if i'd bring in my January payment in full on 1/26, my other payments would be pushed to end of loan. Deal.

Operation "GRAB": I visit the office on 2/27, a day late I know. I ask to speak to manager, and instead receptionist calls the lady I spoke with on the 22nd, all while I watched the manager walk out the office farther into the building. 10 minutes pass, lady comes and acts as if she doesn't know why I'm here, or acts as if she doesn't call all 10 of my references in attempt to collect my past due balance every Monday thru Friday. We speak briefly & I inform her I'm here to attempt to get my account back in good standing. She leaves and returns in 20 minutes, claiming shes locked out of her system and is trying to see where my account is as far as status. 20 more minutes pass, and she returns asking what was I paying that day. I replied with our agreed amount and she instantly tells me 2 months or leave the keys. THEN, only then does the manager summon herself to the front, demanding I pay my entire debt in full right the, or the owner wants the keys. I left the office in attempt to leave because I did not agree with the deceit, only to see my truck was already lifted on its real wheels, engine still running, with my brother in the front passenger seat. He already contested to the repo man, as i did upon noticing the almost complete Gab & Grab stunt the bank pulled.

The repo man then forced us out the vehicle insisting on snatching the keys out of the ignition, along with my residential keys. after demanding all the keys back he says he will call the police if my brother didin't exit the vehicle. As i explained to my brother the situation, he agreed to go in and pay the 2 months payment they were asking for on top of the one month I came prepared to pay. They refused. We were left outside the finance office in the snow with dozens of immediate personal valuables

On 2/28 I call the office and speak to the payment processor, and she explains to me the process (letter of repo,sale) and assures me they are not selling but to wait for letter. Cool.

I get the letter in the mail on 1/31. Its dated 1/26, a day before the repo. Says I have until 2/16 to reinstate vehicle.

On 2/11 I received an email from Credit Karma alerting me of a change to report. I login to see that the finance company has already closed my account and has reported it as repossession. They closed it on 1/31/15, when i legally have until 2/16. No notice of sale location/date has been sent as well.

Also. they state in the repossession letter that we entered the contract on 3/3/13, when i didn't buy the vehicle until 3/18/13, which is also on my credit report.

My brother is a Lance Corp. in the USMC & is willing to testify about the events on 1/27, as well as his ability to produce the Uber receipt we caught from the finance office on 2/27.

I Completely Understand Me Being In Default & Them Having Legal Right To Repossess Their Collateral. But They did nothing by the book or legality at all. I have no real desire to sue. At most I would want my vehicle back and to have my remainder loan terminated for the fraud & deceitful practices throughout this entire process.

Do I Have A Legit Case?

Reinstatement: Wrongful Repo: Do I Have Legit Case

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