Speeding Tickets: Denial of Traffic School for Less Than 25mph Over Speed Limit in Lamont, California

mardi 10 février 2015

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: California.

On 12/30/14 I received a speeding ticket for doing 91 in a 70 on I-5, Kern County, CA, Lamont Court. Need to pay fine or post bail in 3 days, by 2/13/15.

Traffic school is not an option according to the on-line payment system. I have not been to traffic school > 18 months, no tickets to 7 to 8 years, 0 points on my DMV, no other issues to aggravate the ticket. (i.e. no lane change, tailgating, drugs, alcohol, rudeness to CHP officer, etc.) I contacted the Lamont court's office and was told by the clerk that the judges "routinely" do not allow traffic school for 91 or over. I will pay the ticket but balk at punishment in excess of the CA veh code. I am surprised, my understanding is that the clerks automatically allow school unless a judge says "no". Other courts in Kern county do not do this; it is apparently unique to Lamont.

Supposedly I can:

1. request 1 time extension

2. pay the bail of the fine + "fees" and request court date.

3. pay same and "trial by declaration"

If I do the extension does this then exclude me from requesting court date? I would need the time to find an attorney if that is suggested.



Speeding Tickets: Denial of Traffic School for Less Than 25mph Over Speed Limit in Lamont, California

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