Transferring Title: DMV Wouldn't Accept Title Transfer Due to a Missing "Jr." (Questions)

mercredi 11 février 2015

My question involves vehicle registration or title in the state of: Arizona.

I went down to my local MVD (Motor Vehicle Department) in Arizona to transfer a title from a Ford Ranger I had recently purchased from a private party.

I was with the guy when he got the title notarized, and I never transferred the title and registered it there. I just figured I would do it the next day without having any issues.

Anyways, I got my Ford Ranger insured, brought the title and appropriate paperwork into the MVD to get it transferred over and registered. I handed the clerk the title and she said there might be a problem with the title. My immediately thought was I got scammed or something. I've never purchased a vehicle from a private party before, only from dealerships, so I was wondering what the problem was.

On the title, the guys name is listed XXXX XXXXXXXX JR , but on the back where the seller's signature block is he left out the JR part. The MVD would not accept this, and said I would need additional information from this person. I bought this vehicle in a different city and don't want to have to go through all the pain of trying to re-contact this person unless I really need to so I can get this straightened out.

My question for them was: Why would the person notarize the title IF it wasn't going to be acceptable at the MVD? They didn't give me a real straight answer and I asked them what if I can't get a hold of the seller. There actually was a language barrier with the seller too when I purchased it and had to have a translating friend tag along when I bought it (Spanish to English)

So my question is: Would I be able to just write a "JR" on the title and take it into a 3rd party MVD and get it done? The guy was obviously the actual owner, he just didn't write out his whole name, specifically the junior part, but who always does that when they have a junior in their name?

Also, will the MVD have my name/title flagged for NEEDED paperwork before I can continue? All this over a "JR" is just aggravating trying to pay the state so I can drive my "New" little ranger.

Any information would be helpful and appreciated!

Thank you!

Transferring Title: DMV Wouldn't Accept Title Transfer Due to a Missing "Jr." (Questions)

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