Benefits for Injured Workers: Burned by Sulfuric Acid at Work - Missing Safety Documentation and Materials

jeudi 18 septembre 2014

My question involves workers compensation law for the state of: MI


So i work for a foundry, and i was burned on duty on my forearm by sulfuric acid, completely by accident and in front of my on shift supervisor, who was helping me.

anyways, some unintentionally spilled on me and i immediately rushed for the cleaning station, however we dont have one, or at least didnt have one anywhere near me, i think its on the complete opposite side of the foundry, if at all. i was told to go to the bathroom and immediately flush with water while they find the msds sheet. i flushed for about a half hour before i got to thinking what the heck is taking so long with the msds sheet. it turns out the foundry didnt have a sheet for sulfuric acid. the on shift supervisor then tried to contact the 2 people that should immediately be contacted during a injury on the job, the hr manager and the company nurse that handles immediate medical attention, one of which had an invalid phone number listed. neither of which could be contacted via numerous tries. by this time my arm was turning black, so my supervisor decided to take me to the hospital. i got it checked out, flushed, and attended to and it turns out i had second degree chemical burns on my forearm. it hurt pretty bad. i was drug tested, and i passed it. i was also prescribed pain medication, which i was told not to fulfill, presumably because it would turn the indecent into a OSHA recordable, by my supervisor, even though i kinda needed it.

Right now it seems as though the company is handling this kinda "fishy". I basically want to know if i have any legal ground to stand on should i get let go for any reason at all, since this is the "slow" season for us and they are laying off people left and right.

Thanks for the help!

Benefits for Injured Workers: Burned by Sulfuric Acid at Work - Missing Safety Documentation and Materials

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