Divorce: Az Divorce Judgement Date/Certified Recorded Judgement

mercredi 15 octobre 2014

My question involves a marriage in the state of: Arizona

I am inquiring about a Divorce in AZ my (Ex?) filed in 2007. I looked up my DV case online and a Judgement date was entered on 8/28/2013 next to D1 (myself) and on 09/19/2013 a Certified Recorded Judgement was entered (D1). Am I divorced? Which date is the divorce date? Is the Certified Recorded Judgment a Decree or do I still have to finalize the DV?

Also, on 8/28/2013 the same day as the Judgement another entry prior to Judgement is Order: Dismissed without prejudice for both D1 (myself) and P1 (My Ex?) I believe that may have occurred as we both didn't have a parenting plan or request any Child/spousal support in original petition nor in my response (answer). So the only thing the judge could rule on was the actual DV.

Thanks in advance for your time...


Divorce: Az Divorce Judgement Date/Certified Recorded Judgement

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