Estate Assets and Debts: Getting Access to Checking Account in the Name of the Trust

dimanche 5 octobre 2014

My question involves estate proceedings in the state of: CA

My mother is the grantor/trustee of a living, revocable trust. I am her son, and the successor trustee. I have all her financial assets--including her checking account--transferred to the trust but I am struggling with practical issues related to getting access to and using her checking account when she passes away. The credit union has a copy of her trust but will not speak directly to me to acknowledge my status as successor trustee--a RED FLAG. 2nd item is, it seems when she passes away, I should be able to access the account, and use it to pay bills without interruption. The trust is titled: "Florence Ryan Living Trust, dated July 16 1992." Her account ownership title is "Florence Ryan-Living Trust." But her blank checks are titled "Florence Ryan"--RED FLAG. It seems there is a disaster waiting for me with the present situation. I am working on getting a Power of Attorney set up as soon as possible this week. QUESTIONS: A) How do I get the stupid Credit Union to stop its stone-walling regarding proper questions for account access? B) After her death, how long can I use the Power of Attorney to handle her checking account and pay bills? C) Must I notify the CU of her death after the fact--I prefer not to if I don't have to. Thank you.

Estate Assets and Debts: Getting Access to Checking Account in the Name of the Trust

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