Probation and Parole: Missouri Class a Misdemeanor Probation (6 Months Back Up)

jeudi 16 octobre 2014

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Missouri

I live in Missouri and am on probation for a Class A misdemeanor DUI

I'm moving out of stat end the probation officer says they'll issue a warrant for my arrest. The state I'm moving to is Colorado. I've done some research & that's too far to extradite on a misdemeanor . Am I right to assume I can go ahead and move? I honestly do not care if they issue a warrant because I'll not be back to Missouri. So if I could get some help on this. Would Denver police arrest me or just say stay out if trouble ? Just curious and any help is appreciated. I have a violation here for failure to go in for a urine test at approved time. I wasn't dirty but couldn't make it in. There's a great job for me in Colorado waiting for me too. Just need the legalities of this.

Thank you

Probation and Parole: Missouri Class a Misdemeanor Probation (6 Months Back Up)

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