Classification of Workers: Misclassfied As Independent Contractor, Now Filling Out Form from State,

jeudi 1 janvier 2015

My question involves independent contractors in the state of: Wisconsin

It's not me, but someone I know. Problem is , the state is out in holiday to ask for help, and there is a deadline, and they haven't gotten back to him. But the short version of the story is this: For a specified amount of time, he was told that he was a subcontractor. But was payed like an employee, and he didn't have his own business, didn't have his own truck, or tools, etc. Now laid off.

He got the forms (it is used to determine if you were a independent contractor, or employee) to fill out, some confusion on some questions is this. It's asking him, for his business name and business address , even though he didn't have those such things. Is he suppose to leave that blank? Or write a explanation about it. Just saying "Didn't have my own business the years I worked for him, or business address" or leave it blank what's the best way to fill that out?

Then they list more condition numbers listed with more confusing questions. Such as this one:

"During the period in question. did you have a single contract or multiple contracts with the firm?"

then there is two boxes, single or multiple.

He says he didn't have any contracts with his firm (I'm assuming the business he worked for). So what does he choose, there is no option for none. We are confused about that condition.

Then we get to another confusing condition we don't know what it means:

"Could your actual expenses for the services provided exceed your gross income from the firm?"

It's a yes or no question.

What expenses are they talking about? He was an employee that worked for his business. He didn't pay for any expenses?

Any help would be appreciated.

Classification of Workers: Misclassfied As Independent Contractor, Now Filling Out Form from State,

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