Other Injuries: Accident Caused by an Excluded Driver

vendredi 9 janvier 2015

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: Georgia

I was involved in an accident caused by an excluded driver. Relevant information:

The other driver pulled out in front of me trying to go NB while I was traveling SB. He was at fault and received a ticket. The airbags deployed on our vehicle and has been declared totaled. The other driver was able to drive away from the scene.

I was 32 weeks pregnant and due to the trauma of impact, I had a large bruise across my abdomen from the seatbelt. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital since I had an injury to my abdomen, I was contracting, and had other minor injuries. The ultrasound showed that my baby which was in a head down position, flipped back to a breech position as a result.

The at fault drivers ins denied all claims stating the driver was excluded from the policy. I contacted an attorney and after reviewing the case, informed me that, #1: They can't go after the at fault ins co because the driver was excluded. #2: The car I was driving was paid for therefore only had liability coverage without uninsured motorist.

At this point, I'm without a vehicle and have medical bills that I'm being told can't be settled with the at fault ins co because of the exclusion.

Where do I go from here.

Other Injuries: Accident Caused by an Excluded Driver

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