Other Violations: 21456(B) Ticketed While Officer Was Ticketing Another Driver at That Moment

mardi 13 janvier 2015

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: California 21456(b)

Hey everyone,

my question relates to, of course, fighting a pedestrian ticket. Here is the story.

In December, last month, my father finished dropping my sister off from school and while driving home, ran out of gas. My father pulled to the side and ran home (very short distance, about 1/4 mile from his stop). He grabbed my mother and her car to take him and fill a gas can to put in his car. While driving back to his car, my mother pulled to the opposite side of the street to drop my father off and immediately noticed that a car and a officer parked behind his truck. The car behind him was pulled over on an unknown violation and was finally ticketed for not having his insurance (unrelated). So while my father sees this officer there he crossed the cross walk on a red hand, mainly because he didn't wanted to get cited for abandoning his vehicle. I would like to add that my father had two of our dogs in the car still waiting for him to return. My mother in the mean time, as a witness, watched the officer and noticed that he himself didn't notice my father until he was about half-way or more through the crosswalk (wasn't looking towards his direction either).

Is there a way to say in a defense that the officer was too occupied at the moment to correctly guesstimate my dads violation? My mother as a witness would support this. Or possibly even say something of a just cause for my father to rush to his truck under those circumstances?

Other Violations: 21456(B) Ticketed While Officer Was Ticketing Another Driver at That Moment

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