Termination: Fired for Keeping My Mouth Shut

mardi 13 janvier 2015

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: Louisiana

I was previously employed at a Credit Union for a little over a year with no problems at all, or so I thought. Well, my coworkers like to talk about political issues all the time & I simply keep my mouth shut because they are Obama loving democrats & I am a republican or a realist! Anyways, I started to feel more & more pressure from my fellow coworkers to participate in these ridiculous political discussions because I believe they figured out that I was in fact republican since I'm usually very outspoken & friendly. So, I decided to file a complaint with human resources, like we're supposed to when we feel uncomfortable. Then, a week later I was fired! And all of a sudden they claim I failed to follow procedure by not updating a customer's address. Which is totally not true & they claim to have previous written warnings signed by me! Which is also not true because I asked to see these documents & it's obvious that someone forged my signature on these written warnings because it looks nothing like mine!

Many people have told me I should sue for wrongful termination & I'm thinking about it. Do I have a case?

Termination: Fired for Keeping My Mouth Shut

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