Traffic Accidents: Ca: Reached Settlement, Attorney is Ignoring Promise to Complete Negotiations

samedi 3 janvier 2015

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: California. Guy turned in front of wife. She's permanently disabled as result.

In addition to demanding 50% now (despite we never went to trial) and he had demanded a $5,000. "witness deposit" which he has repeatedly failed to answer my request for an escrow statement.

Reached lousy settlement in spite of attorney's complete lack of any prepeartion for trial. I had to write all questions for all witnesses in deposition and for presumed trial. Wife did all research in bill gathering. He did nothing and has apparently run this scam before. Possible collusion in settlement process. Attorney made very little effort to obtain decent settlement and high pressured us to accept pitiful amount, failed to inform us that the language in the settlement meant the defendant accepted zero guilt/responsibility and our insurance would therefore eventually assign responsibility to us, drastically affecting our future insurance rates. Worst thing, however, is that it has been over 4 months since settlement and he has still made no effort to complete negotiations with Medicare to reduce our debt obligation. He's pressuring us to sign the settlement check, but we have refused until he completes his promised negotiations.

I contacted local bar ass. They offered nothing except telling me to go to the website for fa fee arbitration form. I have many questions, however, especially since it is implied that the arbitration involves just the fees and also requires a "settlement" attempt by us to reach an understanding first. How can we do that if he has failed to complete his obligations, has been either incompetent or corrupt and we are too destitute as a result of all this to hire another attorney.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Traffic Accidents: Ca: Reached Settlement, Attorney is Ignoring Promise to Complete Negotiations

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