Legal Malpractice: Lawyer Didn't Pay All of My Medical Bills

lundi 22 septembre 2014

My question involves legal malpractice in the state of: North Carolina

I was involved in a car accident that was settled in September of 2012 (100% not my fault). My lawyer was supposed to pay all of my medical bills, but failed to pay a radiology bill of $845. I found out through a credit report where it has been in collection for the last year and a half...this is the only debt that I have. I called the radiology department and they said, my lawyer told them the case was still in the process of being settled sometime in 2011, but they haven't heard from them since. I called my lawyers office immediately after and was told that they have that bill listed as a zero balance in my file. The paralegal that dealt with my case wasn't in the office and it's impossible to get direct contact with the lawyer who handled my case. I'm waiting to hear back from them. I was assured all of my bills would be taken care of...there was more than enough to do so in my settlement.

Should I sue...can I sue? I have been turned down for credit several times over that time period. Any help would be appreciated.

Legal Malpractice: Lawyer Didn't Pay All of My Medical Bills

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