Presumption of Paternity: Child Born Following a Relationship After Separation, Before Divorce

lundi 22 septembre 2014

My question involves paternity law for the State of: wv

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In 2009 I seperated from my husband and went back to my ex and had a son in 2010. He knew all about and unwillingly my son ended up with my ex's last name. (Long story) he left on Christmas day. My son was born late Oct. My husband came back in Jan and started raising him. just like he did with my oldest son. He kiept updated through out my . Pregnancy and while my son was in the nicu and everything. My ex did nothing. Well things have changed between us and I want a divorce but Im afraid. My ex has been out of theb picture with my oldest since April 2003 when I called cos for hitting him (cps did nothing btw) and he hasn't paid child support since april 2014) I'm afraid if I divorce my husband they will want to know who the bio dad is cause the last name is different and I can't afford to ask an attorney. Is it possible for my husband to keep his full rights. Cause that's what we both want. Th here's no father on the birth certificate but . I tried t file divorce while pregnant and he signed a denial of paternity while I was pregnant. :( any help is appreciated. Sites to go to to look up info or anything. Thanks in advance.

Presumption of Paternity: Child Born Following a Relationship After Separation, Before Divorce

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