Speeding Tickets: California 22349(A) Vc: Worth the Fight

vendredi 10 octobre 2014

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: California.

Back in late August/Early September, I got a speeding ticket heading home from out of town on a rural highway. It was the middle of the night, and I was driving down the road when I noticed I was rapidly coming up on a car ahead. I hit the brakes, and the car, which turned out to be highway patrol, pulled over and let me pass. As soon as I did, his lights came on. When I stopped, I followed all the advice I'd heard about - I turned my car off, put my keys on the dash, turned on my interior lights, and rolled my windows down partway. The officer began asking me if my windows were broken or if I could roll it down further. I complied. He told me he clocked me on radar going 82 mph in a 65, but was only going to write me up for "75+." On my way home, I had seen about 4 other cars pulled over at various times, it appeared to be a speed trap/zero tolerance day or something.

My court date is late November. Is there anything I can do? Is this worth fighting at this point? I had heard somewhere that radar info was inadmissable if the officer was moving at the time, but I honestly have no idea about any of this. This is my second speeding ticket, and my third overall. I received a ticket doing 81 in a 65 approximately 4 years prior to this, and a few months after that I was ticketed for answering my cell phone. Do you need anymore details to give me advice? I would have to appear in court at a town about 2 hours and 120 miles away from me.

Speeding Tickets: California 22349(A) Vc: Worth the Fight

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