My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Virginia.
This was some years ago, so It might be pointless to even post, because action may be impossible to do now.
But I went to a used dealership to get a car. The salesman talked to me about certain vehicles, and I found one I liked and that he said I should be able to afford based on the little info I gave him. When it came down to filling out the application, I entered the information correctly. I was working at RadioShack at the time not making much money at the time.
Call it being naive, but I was approved by a local credit union for 15000.
After pricing everything, including taxes and what not, my payments was 300.05 a month (not what I expected) with no down payment as well.
I went ahead and signed the paper work and had my car.
Fast foward almost a year, I made my payments and when it was time to renew my registration, I went to the dmv and was denied renewal because of property tax that was still owed not the car. I explained to the rep that I paid my property tax and came back with the receipt and proof.
They then informed me that even though I paid my taxes on it, my COSIGNER still didn't pay theirs.
In shock, I asked them to explain again, which they did. They also told me that the cosigner also owed property tax on serve tal other vehicles and a business.
It was close to 7000 in taxes all together. They said that either the cosigner needs to pay or I can pay it for them, but until then, I can't get the renewal.
I NEVER HAD A COSIGNER! nobody cosigner or even applied for the loan with me. I explained this to them and they suggested I should go to the dealership and get the paperwork. I did. I explained to them what happened, and they gave me the paperwork again and claim that it must be a mistake made by the dmv.
To make this horrible story short, after returning to the dmv, I was told it could be fixed but I would need the title from the bank. The bank declined releasing the title to me because I still owed and would only release it to the dmv for the correction. The dmv denied that they would be able to obtain the title.
Basically I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I was sold a car that I didn't go into with a cosigner, the dmv blames the dealership, the dealership blames the dmv, it can be fixed with the help of the bank, but the bank won't help unless the dmv seeks it... And I have a car that I can't drive now but am still financial responsible.
Do I believe the dealership is at fault, yes. Because when the bank discussed my loan application and agreement with me, the numbers on the application did not match the ones I gave or was making.
My question, what legal action can I take against this dealership for adding an unauthorized cosigner.(mind you I have no idea who this person is)
And if there is something I can do legally, how long do I have to take action?
Thank you
This was some years ago, so It might be pointless to even post, because action may be impossible to do now.
But I went to a used dealership to get a car. The salesman talked to me about certain vehicles, and I found one I liked and that he said I should be able to afford based on the little info I gave him. When it came down to filling out the application, I entered the information correctly. I was working at RadioShack at the time not making much money at the time.
Call it being naive, but I was approved by a local credit union for 15000.
After pricing everything, including taxes and what not, my payments was 300.05 a month (not what I expected) with no down payment as well.
I went ahead and signed the paper work and had my car.
Fast foward almost a year, I made my payments and when it was time to renew my registration, I went to the dmv and was denied renewal because of property tax that was still owed not the car. I explained to the rep that I paid my property tax and came back with the receipt and proof.
They then informed me that even though I paid my taxes on it, my COSIGNER still didn't pay theirs.
In shock, I asked them to explain again, which they did. They also told me that the cosigner also owed property tax on serve tal other vehicles and a business.
It was close to 7000 in taxes all together. They said that either the cosigner needs to pay or I can pay it for them, but until then, I can't get the renewal.
I NEVER HAD A COSIGNER! nobody cosigner or even applied for the loan with me. I explained this to them and they suggested I should go to the dealership and get the paperwork. I did. I explained to them what happened, and they gave me the paperwork again and claim that it must be a mistake made by the dmv.
To make this horrible story short, after returning to the dmv, I was told it could be fixed but I would need the title from the bank. The bank declined releasing the title to me because I still owed and would only release it to the dmv for the correction. The dmv denied that they would be able to obtain the title.
Basically I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I was sold a car that I didn't go into with a cosigner, the dmv blames the dealership, the dealership blames the dmv, it can be fixed with the help of the bank, but the bank won't help unless the dmv seeks it... And I have a car that I can't drive now but am still financial responsible.
Do I believe the dealership is at fault, yes. Because when the bank discussed my loan application and agreement with me, the numbers on the application did not match the ones I gave or was making.
My question, what legal action can I take against this dealership for adding an unauthorized cosigner.(mind you I have no idea who this person is)
And if there is something I can do legally, how long do I have to take action?
Thank you
Sales Agreements: Cosigner Unknowingly Added