Establishment: How Bad Must a Situation Be to Get an Order of Protection

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

My question involves restraining orders in the State of: New York

I had a restraining order against my daughter's father after he had assaulted me and was convicted of DV. It expired about 4 years ago.

(I have full custody and he has supervised visitation with his daughter, which he does not utilize)

Does he have to threaten me physically for me to get an order of protection? Or is it enough that past behavior and current trends indicate he could be a threat?

He shows up at my door unannounced, and sometimes at night, in the dark, a few times a year to see his daughter.

I have let them visit (he only stays for a 1/2 hour) to "keep the peace" - but it's unnerving thinking he can show up at anytime.

When here, he gets nasty and belligerent with me, calls me names, says I'm stealing the $200/month child support, stupid things like that.

And last night he called my home, and was saying that I was crazy, that he was going to stop child support, that I would "see."

No harmful threats. But I'm scared. He's a big guy, an alcoholic, and I can't stop looking over my shoulder.

And these negative contacts are increasing.

He can see his daughter through supervised visitation(through age 18, she's 16 now). That was set up so we did not have to have direct contact.

I'd like him not to show up at my door, or to be able to call me.

Thank you for your help.

Establishment: How Bad Must a Situation Be to Get an Order of Protection

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