Guardianship: -Switching Guardianship

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

My question involves guardianship in the State of: Nevada

I am new to NV, prior resident of Hawaii. The family that I want my mother to sign over guardianship to is ready and willing to take me into their care. But they live in Hawaii. Would they have to fly up here to sign the necessary forms? I am 17 and can board a plane by myself as it would be more convenient for both parties.

I feel unsafe at home with my mother, I feel that she is unfit to take care of me. I would bring in Child Care Authority/Welfare but that would cause implications for my two younger brothers who are well suited to live with my mother as they are treated quite differently from I. How would I be able to leave legally without disturbing my mothers home?

How do I start the whole process?

Who do I speak to?

Where do I start and how can I make this convenient for both parties?

Please, tell me what you think. If you have to, be brutal. I need advice, I need somewhere to start.

Guardianship: -Switching Guardianship

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