My question involves criminal law for the state of: tennessee - I am representing myself in a felony theft of property case in criminal court due to the fact that I make to much to get a court appointed attorney and don't make enough to pay for the $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 I'm being quoted, but I do have a co-defendant who will have a public defender. Is a public defendant required and can they subpeona any and all witnesses at our request, that relate to this case, no matter what the cost, as long as it is relevant to the case. For example. Could the public defender subpeona an employee of American Express based in New York City to testify to the actual worth of one(1) unactivated pre-paid credit card? Would the state have to pay for any and all cost associated with that witness being brought to court and is there a limit to something like this. I appreciate any help I can get from this forum. Thank you.
Pretrial Procedure: Subpeonas
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