Vandalism and Mischief: Arrested in Reno for Something I Didn't Do

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Nevada

I was in reno to do some sports betting, then met up with some friends. We were drinking, going place to place. At this point, it was two of us walking down the street and the guy with me kicked a cardboard sign, knocking it over. Then about a half hour later we were approached, then grabbed up by security Guard's. I told them I didn't even touch the sign but didn't feel right telling them it was the guy with me who did. They say wait 5 or 10 minutes and they'll have the footage from cameras. Then 10 minutes goes by, they get a call, by this time cops are there, and they arrest us. Then they're saying that it'll take too long for camera footage, but we're arrested anyway, booked, treated like garbage, the whole 9 yards. My charge was destruction of property, less than $25.

Now my question is, am I completely innocent? According to my story? Or am I in trouble for not reporting the incident? Since I did not destroy property and the cameras will prove that.

Also I believe the hotel lied twice to the police trying to get me arrested. This seems like a big deal to me and they should be held accountable for what happened to me.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Vandalism and Mischief: Arrested in Reno for Something I Didn't Do

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