Business Disputes: Are They My Personal Belongings Can My Employer Keep Them from Me

samedi 13 décembre 2014

My question involves business law in the state of: Montana

While I worked for a nonprofit domestic violence shelter, I attended a training out of town. To go to that training, I got a scholarship from the Montana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence which covered the full cost of the training, my full hotel stay, and my mileage for traveling. I received a check personally for my mileage. The cost of training and the hotel was simply paid directly by the Coalition. My employer (the shelter) paid me for my time while I was at the training but not the training fees themselves and covered no additional expenses. I bought my own meals, etc.

After I was fired from my job at the shelter, I was clearing out my belongings, and among them were the training materials I received at that training (for example, booklets and PowerPoint printouts with my handwritten notes on them). My boss wouldn't allow me to take my training materials home with me because she said they were company property because the company had paid for my training. It was only days later it occurred to me that the company DIDN'T pay for those materials, because I got a scholarship.

Am I correct in thinking that the shelter I worked for has no claim to those training materials, that they are in fact my personal belongings? Am I legally entitled to those training materials now if I ask for them back? I want them back.


Business Disputes: Are They My Personal Belongings Can My Employer Keep Them from Me

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