Theft and Larceny: Falsely Accused of Theft

dimanche 21 décembre 2014

My question involves criminal law for the state of: NJ

I've been falsely accused (Criminal charge/complaint) of not returning tools to a contractor who was doing work on our house and did not complete the job. The police were involved to escort the contractors to the house to pick up the tools, only to have it rescheduled often because the contractor did not keep the scheduled times. Nonetheless, they picked up their tools, but because I had to sue them for the breech of contract, he retaliated and said I stole his tools.

My question is this: how can I sue him for defamation of character per se? What form do I use? What monetary value can I recoupe? Can I sue for my attorney fees since I had to obtain counsel for this criminal charge?

Theft and Larceny: Falsely Accused of Theft

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