Business Insurance: Client Stole My Car at Work. Damaged Vehicle. No Car Insurance

jeudi 8 janvier 2015

My question involves insurance law for the state of: Hawaii


I worked at a non profit agency on the North Shore of Oahu. This agency is a Foster Care Shelter for youth, ages 12-17. The youth come and stay at our shelter. We provide their daily living needs. We take the clients to and from school. We provide all their meals. Room and board. We offer the clients structure and stability.

I went to work last Sunday and about 75 minutes into my of the 2 clients that I had for the day told me "aunty, CLIENT is stealing your car" I look outside and sure enough....she was just getting into my vehicle. I ran downstairs....she put the car in reverse before i got to her and she tore off.

I called the police and filled out a Auto Theft report and Runaway report.

In the mean time, the remaining client told me that the Client had asked her to come with her. She witnessed her break into a locked cabinet steal my keys from my purse. Thankfully.....the second client didn't leave. She stayed.

3 hours later I got a call from the police that she had turned herself into the cops. I told them i am pressing charges. I drove to pick her up. Car looked ok when I arrived. Because the cops said she turned herself in....I figured that she just felt bad and wanted to do the right thing. HAHAHA! (LITTLE DID I REALLY KNOW...)

So......the cops arrested her and left the scene. I get closer to my car and see that the front end has damage...i see a dent on the side.

I start engine and it sounds like GLASS.... Ugh.

I ended up having to get car towed because i dont have car insurance. Towed it to a friend who is a mechanic. supervisor calls the companys Insurance agent. She tells me "Sorry, your vehicle is not covered" .... I talked to a few people about my issue and everyone is telling me that THEY HAVE TO HAVE LIABILITY.

SO..... I called the insurance agent on Tuesday. He said that its not "likely" that its covered. I explained that the CLIENT that lives at this agency STOLE my car. he said "get the me the police report and i will see what I can do. cant make any promises!".....

So.....I got the report. Mind you....this was during New I've been without a car all week.

The agent called back today and said that they can only offer me $1000 for the damages. They are offering me what they would normally offer a employee that uses their car insurance but has to pay a deductible. UP TO $1000.

I KNOW THAT my damages are more then $1000 from the body work.

I can fix the engine from my friend for $1000. and that's not even everything.

Am I entitled to get ALL DAMAGES repaired? and Paid for in full???

Or should I count my blessings and be thankful for that?

I didn't have car insurance because it lapsed. I haven't had it in 2 months. I only make $9 an hour...with a college degree. I know that I need it. Of course....huge lesson learned.

Not sure if I just take this? Or fight to have all damages paid for? And how do I fight that? I go to school on Monday. I need MY CAR.

Thanks you for any and all advice!


Business Insurance: Client Stole My Car at Work. Damaged Vehicle. No Car Insurance

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