Foreclosure: 5 Year Statute Limitations in Florida Has Ran Now What

mardi 13 janvier 2015

My question involves a mortgage in the state of: FL

My statue is going to run on the 1 st filing in a few weeks and there's no movement on the 2nd filing. I have an attorney but my question is, once the court grants that the lender can no longer pursue me as a foreclosure . My plan is to stay in this home (keep it ) what else can they or can't they do? What else can I or can't I do ? I know I can't sell or if I do I owe them the rest, I know going for a quiet title can be dangerous grounds, is the debt listed as a judgement? could it be in public record on my credit report as outstanding debt?

This plaintiff is the 4 th servicer, what attempts to collect (if they are allowed any) can they make if the lien is not included in the dismissal? I've been trying to find out what about after its been settled one way or the other - each outcome being no longer pursue due to statute 5 yrs in my case - what about liens, taxes ( if they were included in the payment ) what is this about it being Taxable income?

Are there any other pros/cons for the homeowners at this point in that moment or future to look for ? This would be very helpful information.

Foreclosure: 5 Year Statute Limitations in Florida Has Ran Now What

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