Filing a Complaint: 8 Year Old Judgement Served to the Wrong Address in California

samedi 18 avril 2015

My question involves small claims court in the state of: California

I was in a car accident which i was guilty of in 2005. I had a judgement placed on me in 2008 by the court. I had never noticed that i had a court summons. I had pulled my record in 2008 to try and buy a house. I then noticed that there was a judgement. I have no idea how the courts worked. I decided to call the attorney's office that represented the insurance company to pay off the judgement of about 15K. I had now idea that i was not served because i was able to get my license and never got an envelope. They did not want to work with me because at the time i could only make 100$ payments. They dropped connection with me after i had filled out their forms to try and make 100$ payments. I then tried negotiating with them with a lawyer and no resolution. I had called the lawyer a couple of times leaving my name and case and never got a response. This year 2015 i finally got a response. They wanted to work with me with payments. I called an attorney to help me negotiate and he requested that i pull the case files. I pulled the case files and noticed that i was not served properly. I see the documents showing that they served an address i never lived at to people i don't know a couple of times. I looked the address up on google and seems to be an apartment. I had seen this address appear on my credit report when I had pulled my credit report with the judgement. I'm not sure how the court got the wrong address served and how the judgement ended up being on my credit report also adding an address i never lived at. Can i do anything about this? the lawyer when he recently called suggested that i now owe 25K with interest. What are my options?

Thank you in advance.

Filing a Complaint: 8 Year Old Judgement Served to the Wrong Address in California

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