Repair and Maintenance: Water Flood from Upstairs

mercredi 15 avril 2015

My question involves a condominium located in the State of: California

I live on the first story of a three story condo complex. Water was discovered leaking/flowing from the ceiling above into the unit. The unit was practically flooded leaving water damage to the ceiling, wooden floor, and carpet. From what I heard from the plumber, there was a stoppage in the second story unit. This caused the third story unit's water to not drain. The third story unit used a plunger and other additives to resolve the plumbing situation and turned on the water. In the end, the second story's stoppage and third story's water caused water to rain into my unit. This is a common pipeline.

I would like to know who is responsible for the damage: second story, third story, or HOA.

Please let me know how I should proceed in recovering for the damages. I have homeowner's insurance, however my deductible is quite high and I do not believe I am liable for the situation.

Repair and Maintenance: Water Flood from Upstairs

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