Education Law Issues: My School Might Be Breaking the Law

samedi 11 octobre 2014

My question involves education law in the State of: Michigan

I attend High school and College at the same. I can do this through a program called dual enrollment. My district refuses to pay for my college books because of this policy they have.

Here is the policy:

"If the course is being taken satisfy *** Schools' core graduation requirements, not elective course, please contact *** to discuss testbook purchase."

I have been fighting with them for almost a year now to make them pay for my books. Now, I did some research the other day and I found this.

This phrase indicates that they are required to pay for my books. I read it over and I did not see where it gave the right to the district to chose when they can or cannot pay for the books.

"'Eligible charges' means tuition and mandatory course fees, material fees, and registration fees

required by an eligible institution for enrollment in an eligible course."

By material they mean books.

Here is how I made that connections.

"State law requires that all school districts pay a pupil’s tuition and mandatory course

fees, including technology fees, materials fees (including textbooks)"

Now, the only phrase that can possible be used as a loop hole is:

" If a school district pays for books for an eligible student for a postsecondary course under this section,

the books are the property of the school district and shall be turned over to the school district after the eligible

student completes the course"

Now, I am going to present my argument to the district next week. I just do not want to look like an idiot. Am I right that the district has no right to not pay for my books?


Education Law Issues: My School Might Be Breaking the Law

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