Medical Malpractice: Do I Have Any Case

vendredi 7 novembre 2014

My question involves medical malpractice in the state of:My son has Hemophilia and due to them administering his 12 month vaccinations incorrectly he had a massive arm bleed that was incorrectly diagnosed and caused him and my husband and I unnecessary pain and suffering and possible long term damage in his arm. Here is the story and photos. I am calling my son C.

On Wednesday of last week C got 6 vaccines done and the one that was done in his left arm caused a massive deep tissue bleed. Now when I took him in on Friday evening to the ER in Temecula Valley they didn't have the resources to handle C's Hemophilia so we were transferred via ambulance back up here to Kaiser where the ER physician said he spoke with C's Hematologist(we will call him Dr.S) over the phone and was told no Factor 8 infusion as it was a hemotoma that burst and the infusion would do nothing to help, so we were sent home with Tylenol with Codeine and told to contact Dr. S during the week to see him. So on Saturday morning C's arm was considerably worse and we did not agree with what the ER physician told us so we took C to another ER that was not affiliated with C and has a specialized center for Hemophilia within it and they were absolutely horrified by the condition of his arm. We had multiple doctors come in and recap our story about how we ended up coming to them instead of Kaiser which in turn made the Doctor of Hematology for that hospital come down and speak with us, she after hearing our story proceeded to call Dr. S at Kaiser and I have no clue what was said but I know when we were transferred from that ER room back to Kaiser he was awaiting our arrival and had us immediately admitted to the PEDS floor to start treatment on his arm. Now him being there was weird because not only has he NEVER been there when we've gotten admitted in the past, but he does NOT work on weekends and here it is a Saturday evening and he has personally admitted us to the PEDS floor. Once C was admitted he proceeded to apologize profusely stating this was all his fault and that he would take full responsibility. He also said he NEVER GOT A PHONE CALL FROM THE ER THAT WEEKEND?!?! He said if he had he would've admitted him at that time to start treating his arm. So here we are 2 days later from when he was supposed to get treated and I have no F****ing clue who is lying!!!! The ER physician we talked clearly said he spoke with Dr. S who told him not to give Factor 8, and now I have Dr. S saying no one ever called him?!?!?! C's arm could have been permanently damaged from this!!!!!!!!! We still won't know if it is until it is completely healed which could take several weeks!!! Then we found out at the ER room not affiliated to Kaiser that his vaccines were supposed to be given under the skin, not into the muscle because of the possibility of this happening!!! When I asked Dr. S why his pediatrician wasn't told this he said " Well we don't talk" and I then asked why my husband and I didn't know so we could tell him and Dr. S responded with "I assumed you knew" You assumed we knew?! Ok, so now he is at home but when he got discharged I asked Dr.S if we could take Factor home with us in case he needed to be infused again and Dr. S goes " I never sent you home with Factor before? My bad" C went through so much when it could have been avoided entirely!

My husband and I are extremely upset, as our son is now traumatized to the point where when they even try to put the information bracelet on his ankle he is inconsolable. We will not know about how much damage is done to his arm until it completely heals. I have never been a part of any lawsuits and was hoping someone could help us figure out if we have any type of lawsuit.

Medical Malpractice: Do I Have Any Case

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