Modification of Support: Child Support and My Older Teens

mardi 13 janvier 2015

My question involves child support in the State of: New York

I have a son 19 and daughter 17 from my first marriage. We split up almost 18 years ago when I was pregnant with our daughter and our son was 1 years old. We had a very bad break up as he was cheating. A few years later he filed for divorce. We went to family court to establish visitations and child support. At that time he was ordered to pay $150 a week.

That number has not changed for all of these years as I never took him to court to modify. He was threatening and violent and I had an order of protection on him at the time. The less I dealt with him the better.

Now that my kids are older I want to know if I can go back and modify or sue him for any arrears. My son just recently decided to stop going to college which I pay for and told me he wants to join the Military and study while he is in. Once he leaves I am afraid he will personally cut it down the support to $300 a month.

I feel my X husband should continue to pay the $600 he is paying a month until our daughter turns 21 and even goes into college as well since this amount has not changed over the years and It was my right to do so.

We are both remarried to other people and my current H has helped me over the years with my kids but I feel that their dad should pay what he is supposed to. Meanwhile my XH wife would be happy to see him not give his kids a dime.

Is there a statute of limitations when it comes to child support here? Am I beating a dead beat horse? lol

Thanks in advance for your responses!

Modification of Support: Child Support and My Older Teens

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